Business Services - Driven by innovation | SEEBA

Business Innovation

Driven by Technology


Our Business services combine processes that help you create strong, structured and goal-oriented business intentions. We then make sure that you realise those intentions with a life-long support and continuous innovation. Our unique approach is designed to offer an appropriate solution at every stage of your business journey which can be illustrated as following:


01 Analysis & Diagnostics

No business decision should be made without getting a deep insight into all internal and external factors that can impact your company’s performance. That’s why the first step is to analyse the circumstances and diagnose the pain and gain points.

02 Ideation & Innovation

Once it is clear what are you dealing with, it’s time to ideate the best possible solutions to support your business performance. To make things happen, we use innovation to enable processes and maximise results.


03 Strategy & Implementation

Every solution needs a clearly defined strategy and a designed roadmap for its implementation. Otherwise, it’s likely to give you more harm than benefit. Once you have everything in place, you can set the expectations for your business goals.

04 Business Support

To focus on your core business and maintain performance, sometimes you might need extra help with day-to-day challenges. A true business partner will guide and support you in achieving sustainable growth.

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Analysis & Diagnostics

To identify problems, make decisions and implement solutions, first you need to analyse your situation and diagnose the pain and gain points. This includes a deep dive into your business model with the purpose of finding a treatment for the diagnosed issues.

Your business can also suffer from unexpected situations which call out for new measures and actions in order to retain your business liquidity and high performance.
Such changes may result from a crisis, new market trends and conditions, or from your own business decisions.

We give you valuable insight into your current state and conditions, while suggesting innovative solutions that will take your business to the desired destination.

Our Business Health Assessment is a handy tool and a starting point for any decision-making process.

What we assess


Business Condition

Overall Strategy, sales and finances


Product Relevance

Value proposition & business model


Digital Readiness

Evaluation of technology tools

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Ideation & Innovation

Running a business means constantly facing challenges and handling numerous things at once. Having too much on your plate often results in reduced focus and lack of time to pay attention to details. However, those details may have a vital impact on your business and therefore need to be nourished on a regular basis.

In this matter, we have created the set of carefully designed workshops to help you amplify your focus and gain control over critical areas of business:



In order to create innovative solutions, you need to generate new and structure the existing ideas.


Corporate Culture

Creating or defining the corporate culture is a timely process which has great influence on your business performance.


Business Model Optimization

In times of rapid development it is highly necessary to work on constant improvement of your business.


Digital Transformation

This workshop will focus on the analysis of your current situation and develop the framework for future opportunities.


Business Expansion

When time is right to take the next step and scale up your business to the new market.



Once your product/service is ready for launching, it is time to take one more look and assure its success.

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Strategy & Implementation

Strategy is what defines, guides and conditions every business. It’s your company’s roadmap and your approach to it directly impacts your business success. Before determining the set of actions that will lead you towards your goals, you first need to examine the market and the role your company has in it.

We help you create, implement and maintain your strategy, giving your business a safe ticket for sustainable growth.

Marketing strategy is the best starting point and one of the essential aspects of your company. Once it is well structured and easy to follow, you can utilise your resources, take the desired market position and set the foundation for creating more narrow plans aimed at your particular business intentions.

What we do


Marketing Analysis

Understanding a company’s current position is a precondition for any decision-making process.


Marketing Plan

Identifying your target audience and understanding its needs.


Roadmap & Planning

Determine your goals and which tools and tactics to use to achieve them.



Continuous support and innovation for long-term growth.

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Business Support

As a business owner, you fight a constant battle for performance while trying to get access to knowledge and experience at the same time. The process can be both lonely and challenging. While you are taking care of your company, you might need an extra pair of hands to help you deal with day to day business challenges and support you in making right decisions.

So far we have helped business owners reach their goals, boards to validate decisions and managers to get access to the best and brightest experts. We will allocate a dedicated expert who will support you in your decisions and be the best friend to your business’ success.

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