About us - Your Business Partner | SEEBA

Your Business Partner

Approaching your company and your projects as if they were our own.

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SEEBA is a consulting company that supports small and medium-sized enterprises using an innovative approach that combines business and technical advisory (BizTech).

Our work is based on a deeper understanding of each client’s business context, industry dynamics and macroeconomic environment. We analyse trends and best practices. By combining our unique expertise in both business and technology (BizTech) we support our clients throughout the process, from idea to implementation, focusing on sustainable growth.

Our clients are faced with constant change, and we regularly seek new and better ways to support them in their transformation journey. Regardless of the challenge, we focus on delivery of practical and lasting results by providing them with the right tools for growth and development.

SEEBA is truly a Business Partner, approaching your company and your projects as if they were our own.


Our clients are faced with constant change, and we regularly seek new and better ways to support them in their transformation journey. Regardless of the challenge, we focus on delivery of practical and lasting results by providing them with the right tools for growth and development.

SEEBA is truly a Business Partner, approaching your company and your projects as if they were our own.

Our vision and mission statements reflect our commitment to quality and excellence in everything we do.

Our Vision

Become the leading SME consulting provider in Europe, focusing on a blended approach (BizTech) to drive business excellence.

Our Mission

We empower leaders whose focus is to grow a sustainable business that contributes to innovation, economic growth and positive impact in their communities.


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Business Pioneers Award in B&H Winner 2023
Business Pioneers Award in B&H Winner 2022
Top B2B Providers in Sweden 2022
Business Pioneers Award in B&H Finalist 2021
Business Pioneers Award in B&H Finalist 2020
Veckans Affärer Super talent Award 2013
Anders Wall Foundation Award 2012
Our people: the core of our business

Our Team & Culture

A Sustainable
Business Journey

At SEEBA we strongly believe that our employees are our greatest asset and a key to our success. From the very beginning, we’ve recognised the importance of investing in our employees and we are constantly guided by this model.

As we grow as a company, we are implementing activities related to the promotion of inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. In SEEBA language, we call it a sustainable growth journey, which we’ve been devoted to from the beginning and which has become a foundation of our corporate culture.

We are committed to a working environment where people can flourish and find the freedom to fulfill their potential. As part of our culture, we examine our approach to a number of areas, such as personal development, flexible working, overall reward, people management, leadership, diversity and inclusion.

We place great value on a good work-life balance that allows our team to reconcile their personal and professional interests. This is why we nurture a culture based on trust, respect, fairness and openness, while believing that those who enjoy their work produce good results.

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Community Engagement

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We actively engage in promoting and supporting young, talented entrepreneurs by taking part in various projects and programs both as partners and participants, such as the IEEE Innovation Nation, Reconnect Conference and International Youth Summer Programme.
Our aim is to transfer skills and knowledge to the new leaders on how to develop and implement an entrepreneurial mindset that will help them build successful companies one day. We reward the best ideas with our special mentorship programs every year.

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Our Values

A sense of shared identity.

SEEBA values define how we do business and interact with our colleagues, partners and clients. As we embark on new journeys, these guide our teams in the decisions and actions they take every day.

Our eight values are:

about-us Commitment
about-us Accountability
about-us Integrity
about-us Flexibility
about-us Confidence
about-us Team Work
about-us Respect
about-us Openness
about-us Commitment
about-us Accountability
about-us Integrity
about-us Flexibility
about-us Confidence
about-us Team Work
about-us Respect
about-us Openness

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